Friday, December 22, 2006

Sedekah anyone?....this is serious

Informasi dari Mas Satriyo 

Sorry teman-teman semua....
Just update Info mengenai rekan kita Siti Khadijah yg saat ini sedang berjuang utk sembuh ...
Saat ini Siti Khadijah berada di ICU RS UKI, Jakarta Timur dalam keadaan tidak sadar..
Biaya pengobatan kalo kita lihat sekilas di Informasi itu utk ICU berkisar Rp. 700.000 an / hari, itu hanya kamar dan dokter..
Kalo dengan obat atau tindakan ... berarti akan bertambah biayanya ....
Keluarganya terbilang bukan dari keluarga yg mampu ....tetapi dari raut muka mereka masih menaruh harapan utk anaknya bisa sembuh ...
Saat ini kepala bagian belakangnya sebagian pecah serta paru2 nya banyak cairannya ( kemungkinan besar darah ) ...
Kawan kita Siti Khadijah masih sangat membutuhkan support doa dan biaya dari kita semua ....
Selagi kita mampu dan bisa ....
Mari kita galang dana buat rekan kita Siti Khadijah  .... walaupun baru 3 minggu bergabung tetapi Siti Khadijah sudah bagian dari kita .....
Berikut disisipkan foto dan video di RS UKI ...
salam hangat dan jabat erat selalu,

Dear Friends,
With this email, I would like to invite you all to extend your generosity to help a young woman who is fighting for her life at this very moment.  
Her name is Siti Khodijah, but her friends know her as DJ. She has just graduated from university & was attending our IM3 training to prepare her to become a Call Center agent of IM3, Indosat. She was halfway through her Product Knowledge training when she was struck by a Kopaja bus on her way to our center. It was early in the morning when seven people crossed Daan Mogot street & were already halfway through when the bus at high speed swerved to avoid a motorcycle & hit them head on. Two high school kids managed to escape, but five people went down. One of them happened to be one of my own trainers,E, but she & another girl, TJ, managed to stand up again & didnt suffer any injuries except for minor bruises. The other three were more seriously hurt. One was rushed to Permata Hijau Hospital, while two of them were left unconscious on the road. DJ cracked her skull & was bleeding profusely (her right eye nearly popped out) while Dina cracked her shoulder. They were immediately taken to RS Cengkareng by E, TJ & my other trainer who came to help, YAI.  
Dina was only admitted to the ER for a few hours before her family came to transfer her to another hospital where she underwent surgery to have pins placed on her broken shoulder.  
DJ's family didn't come from a well-off family & so encountered difficulties to find hospitals who would take DJ into the ICU with their limited budget. We spent hours to phone hospitals in Jakarta & was rushing with time as DJ had to immediately undergo surgery to stop the internal bleeding in her head. It was difficult to hear that the ICU in most hospitals that we contacted were already full. One that still had space left could not accept patients with reference as being from poor family. This was a crushing blow.  
When we finally found a hospital that would accept her, 10 hours had passed since her accident. All the while, she was lying in the ER with bandages on her head & infus (injection? I forgot the English term for this). She was in & out of consciousness, occasionally screaming, crying & struggling to get free (She had to be restrained both hands & feet).  
This was a week ago, on Thursday, 14 December 2006. Now, on Friday, 22 Dec, she is still in the hospital (RS UKI) in ICU, but still no surgery yet. Her consciousness level is 5, where normal people is 15. Her family has to spend around  3 mill a day as she has to be fed thru a tube in her chest. Her head is heavily swollen now but her eye is reported to be getting better.
Everyone at Teleperformance Indonesia & PT Indosat is doing our best to support the family, but we are inviting you to lend your hand as well to help this unfortunate family. I personally know DJ as a smart trainee & was performing well in class.  
I do not have their account numbers at the moment. But if you are interested to donate your money to them, please let me know & hopefully by then I would have had their numbers ready.  
Nothing is too little. No matter how much you donate, I'm sure they will be greatly appreciated by DJ's family. May your intention to help unfortunate people be directly rewarded by God AlMighty.   
That is all from me at the moment. SHould you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at this email address.
Please distribute this to those who care.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Tari Savitri 
Senior Trainer
PT Teleperformance Indonesia
Indosat Building, Jln Daan Mogot Km 11
Jakarta Barat      


  1. aku lupa nyatet no.rek nya, minta ya?

  2. eh saya sendiri lupa nyatetnya (duh aku ini gimana sih), sebentar tak mintanya ya..?
